It has been hot and dusty all month. The end.
I’m taking advantage of today’s holiday in Rome on account of ss. Pietro e Paolo to stay home out of the heat. It’s really quiet out there. An early morning outing to get the paper - still a bit analog in my ways…- made it clear that today is a stay-out-of-the-heat day. A muggy 97f/37c still imbued with fine particles of leftover Scirocco dust. I’ll be eating a lot of anguria to keep cool. Watermelon. It’s summertime.

Besides the wind and the swirling dust I can report that Jubilee 2025 prep is in full swing, with road repairs and transportation rerouting and the freshening up of façades. It makes me want to have a little freshening up myself.
I took a bus to Porta Pinciana and ended up at Piazza del Popolo the other day because bus stops are moveable on account of lavori. I eventually found a taxi - that has been challenging lately. I have all the taxi apps and phone numbers but I only ever get a cab now by waving one down or walking to a stand. In the heat. This is why I like having a car. Very useful on days when I have to get to a doctor’s appointment without delays. But I am currently unlicensed. I’ve had to go back to driver’s school to get my Italian license.

It has been fascinating and crushing to sit in a class with ragazzi still in high-school to prepare for my “theory of driving” exam. It is hard! The theory of it all. I feel like I am getting a Ph.D. Such complex vocabulary to describe road situations that are perfectly impossible on real Roman roads. Previously I drove here for four years so I am an expert at driving here but am definitely a beginner when it comes to taking multiple quizzes on the math behind the distanza di sicurezza on the road.
I will let you know how it goes. Till then, if you are here, do be careful out there. It’s hot! If you are planning on visiting, ideally you might come any other season than summer.
A presto,
In bocca al lupo per l'esame!!!
To be very American-- who even knew there was a theory of driving? Is there a theory of walking? It reminds me of the joke about the French : "Yes, of course it works in practice. But does it work in theory?"